Live broadcast bar on august 17, the british glen women’s football team eliminated the host australian women’s football team, and entered the women’s football world cup final for the first time young pioneer team history. They will compete with the spanish women’s football team for the championship. The topic of whether people will get extra holidays if the team wins the championship has been discussed in Britain, but the British government has poured cold water on the fans.
In a statement, the British government said: “We congratulate the England women’s football team on its breakthrough in the Women’s World Cup, but the arrangements for public holidays and bank holidays have been confirmed, there are no plans to change these arrangements at present.
“Winning the Women’s World Cup will be an important moment for the whole country, but there is no doubt that we will find a suitable way to celebrate. As coach Weigman said, the first thing to do is to focus on the final, and the whole country will support the England women’s football team at the weekend.”
(bank holiday bank holidays, originated from cricket. At that time, the time of the British cricket match was in conflict with the working hours of bank employees, and bank employees were forbidden to take leave. Sir lubooker applied to Congress for adjustment policy and passed it.)
(Old onion)
2023 Women’s World Cup, cheer for beautiful and energetic policewoman!